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Women in Conservation

Walking along suspended bridges.

Today we started the day with a talk about women's role in conservation in Costa Rica. We learned about a lot of inspiring women that have helped in research, community outreach, education, and spirituality. One of them was Nalini Nadkarni who works at the university. We also went to CASEM which is a cooperative of women who do arts and crafts to sustain themselves and their families. There, one of the founders told us the history behind it and a little bit about the development of Monte Verde. For the last activity, we walked along five suspended bridges in the forest. The first bridge was above 50 meters from the ground and it was the highest of them all. In the tour, we got to see a Quetzal that flew over us and stopped in one of the branches of a tree next to us. It was a really fun day!

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Last Updated: 12/5/23